Web Design

Website Designer and Web Developer – The Difference

Suppose you want a new website, you search the Internet and you find the terms Website developer and Web designer being used, is there any difference between these two places or is it one in the same thing.

Let’s look a little deeper into the 2 tasks and examine what approach to the Website structure Process they take.

A Website Designers Approach
A Website Designer communicates the visual aspect of what may be needed by a customer in a visually attractive way by making use his creativity and expertise. In simple terms, he’s capable to turn words into a graphical model doing so in a creative and skillful manner.

To help him do this, he’ll make use of certain software s and tools similar to Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. still, he doesn’t do this in an arbitrary erratic way, he follows a set of Design Principles so to get the best results possible.

In principle, every website design always has a heading, a body, and a footer. This is the beginning structure of every website. The Website Designer will design images( or acquire them) and text and arrange this in a creative manner, always keeping in mind the stated objective.

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